To the Glory of God, we have the opportunity to again share with you, great moment in our historical lives as the world today celebrates Year 2024 Christmas. This is after a long while that and it’s about to debut sister, Owerricity Magazine seemed to have been a rested idea.

Today the joy of coming back to you and to celebrate the yelutide yields hope and desire to praise God.
Expectedly, the land of Eastern Nigeria is at this moment brimming with human and vehicular traffic as many people return to their ‘land of birth’ to celebrate the Christmas. It is a tradition to celebrate the season with kits and kins in the homeland and the Igbo are not one to let such a good culture go.
The Igbo race will always head to the land of birth once this season comes no matter where they reside under the corners of this world and also, irrespective of the challenge such journeys may pose.
At the moment, cities and communities in places such as Owerri, Aba, Umuahia, Onitsha, Awka, Asaba, Enugu, Abakilike, Orlu, Okigwe, Ikot Ekpene, Port Harcourt (Igweocha) etc, are agog witnessing a massive influx of people – sons and daughters of the land with their friends and associates – who have come to participate in this annual Christian religious festival.
Some have argued though, that even before the advent of Christainity, these oriental ancient race have it in their culture, to gather and socialize in different festivals at this period of the year which happened to co-incide with the date of the Christian religious festival of Christmas.
The season comes at utmost dry weather period known as dry season affording easier movements and it comes at a period of full harvest by the largely agrarian Igbo and their neighbours.
It also comes at the peak of harmarttan wind in a location considered as rain forest region within the Equitorial Guinea Coast where the Igbo found their ancestral homeland.
At the period of planting season, these folks move wide in the forests and now as it appears, to all corners of the world searching for livelihood and Christmas Season is the period everyone returns home bringing his or her sheaves from the toils of the year.
Christmas travels back to homeland is ritual for the Igbo who do this not only on the basis that they worship Christ but also to form a connection with the mother land of birth. Every year.
To do this, many overcome or refuse to bow to those pressures and dangers that might be associated with these trips. Nigeria’s economic conditions today would have made it difficult for many people to embark on these journeys and what about the security challenged or implications to such trips? Truth is that none of these is able to deter an Igbo from embarking on this annual ritual of home coming.
The fact is that today, despite the economic and security crises rocking the land of Nigeria, Owerri and indeed other cities of the Eastern Nigeria are bubbling with people and there is palpable joy in the air. We join the millions of celebrants from Eastern Nigeria to wish you all a Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year in advance.